Squeeze on my Tivo
I was excited when I got home tonight to check out Squeeze’s appearance as musical guests on Regis and Kelly, which had been recorded during the day. I hadn’t see the show before, so I watched the whole thing, and enjoyed the interview with Steve Carell and laughed at Kelly in the children’s gymnastics class.
I mused to myself, “I’m sure it has been at least TEN YEARS since I’ve seen Squeeze on tv,” and then quickly realised that of course that was true since they had disbanded for ten years. What a treat to see them now! When Regis finally introduced the band, I was thrilled they were going to do Goobye Girl! Great choice for national television exposure: so recognisable, so timeless, and one of my very favorites!
…And then my tv reception started to crap out.
The timing was impeccable. Regis was crystal clear as he introduced them, but by the time the camera had swung over to the band, things were already getting a little blurry.
From that point things gradually (yet swifty!) degenerated, so that by the time Glenn played the final chord it looked like this.
So, although I agree with David that it’s vital someone in America upload the show to YouTube, I think you’ll all thank me for not volunteering!!
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