Using the Comments
Just a tip for new visitors: read the comments to the blog posts! A lot of them contain interesting information that may not be available anywhere else on the site.
For example, snipturn has written an extensive and lively review of Glenn and the Fluffers’ series of free pub shows in reply to David’s post about The Anchor and Hope below. He has included a link to a very good YouTube video from the show as well! (He has another one here, and really you should just check out snipturn’s whole channel which he has been updating regularly.)
And David often posts comments himself that include additional information, such as a note from Glenn about his FaceBook friend requests, which is among the comments on Glenn Tilbrook – UK Solo Acoustic Tour.
And of course we would love to read your comments, should the spirit move you!
N.B. Glenn’s tweets are now shown right in the sidebar of this blog, in case you haven’t spotted them! So you can just check here for updates if that’s simplest. (He claims to have BIG BIG news coming up, quite possibly about a band that starts with S….)
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