Squeeze Covered – Loco Por Ti (Monkey)

So, I’m sat in a Majorcan bar with my wife and kids, drinking my second glass of sangria and enduring probably the worst Queen tribute act ever (so bad in fact that they inexplicably covered John Lennon’s “Imagine” – I imagined there wasn’t a heaven and that I had in fact descended into Hell). Suddenly my wife, eyes fixed on her mobile phone, said she’d just received a tweet from the local press exclaiming an “Exclusive about Squeeze”! “Exclusive?” I wondered. Had Chris left the band because he refused to become Glenn’s fluffer? No, just an announcement that “Squeeze to release first studio album of original songs since 1998 ahead of Harrogate gig”. Hardly an exclusive to us followers of Packetofthree but some welcome publicity for Squeeze all the same. It’s also nice of them to release their new album on my 52nd birthday though, as you might expect, I’ve already got my name down for one of the limited edition CDs. I’m still waiting for my Harrogate gig tickets though!

This week’s cover is a Spanish language version of “Monkey” by, I think, Jerome Martinez. Far more preferable to the drivel I was forced to listen to in Majorca, with or without sangria.

Until next time, toodle pip!


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