The Smithsonian wants your Squeeze Photographs – from the audience!
We’ve had a direct approach from The Smithsonian for photographs of Squeeze – taken by you – from the audience – to tell the history of rock and roll:
On December 1st, Smithsonian Books launched We’ve asked the public to go through their attics, basements, boxes, drawers, camera, photo albums, cell phones, and more so that the world can see Rock’n’Roll through the audience’s eyes. There will be a book published in 2017, and we plan to populate it with some of the best pictures from the website.
However, we’ve noticed we’re seriously lacking on pictures of Squeeze, and thought you and your fan base could help get some awesome shots of Squeeze. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to check out the website ( for more information.
What have you got on your hard drives or in your attic?
There are such brilliant Squeeze photographers out there – including the one and only Mitzi Bagpuss – I’m sure we could collectively get Squeeze into the new book they are planning.
Here are the latest entries:
The Frequently Asked Questions:
The rules:
The background:
Don’t let Squeeze be missed from a visual history of rock and roll. Submit your best shots now!
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