(This Could Be) The Last Time
(This Could Be) The Last Time
I’ve been totally re-strung
I’m in tune and I’m in love
I’m a piano that’s made out of fruit
I’m the frog she chose to kiss
Perhaps not a handsome prince
There is nothing I feel I’ve got to prove
If it’s happiness you crave
Won’t you look at me today
I’m smiling like the cat with all the cream
There’s a swagger in my walk
A grade ‘A’ in my report
I’m the salmon who made it back up stream
I’m a slightly chipped antique
In a market going cheap
That someday will be worth a thousand pounds
I’ve shed the walls of my cocoon
Normal service has resumed
There’s no need to paint
A face on this clown
If I fall in love again it could be the last time
If I fall in love again will I repeat
The mistakes that I made
And then make them again like a creep
This could be the last time
This could be the last time for me
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